1. SILENT VOICES: HOMELESS VETERANS’ EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCES AND PERCEPTIONS ON IDEALIZED DESIGN OF SCHOOLS Open Access Author: Magolis, David E Title: SILENT VOICES: HOMELESS VETERANS’ EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCES AND PERCEPTIONS ON IDEALIZED DESIGN OF SCHOOLS Graduate Program: Instructional Systems Keywords: Educational Systems DesignEducational ReformUser-designEducational ChangePhenomenologyHomeless Veterans File: Download Magolis.Proposal.Draft.N.pdf Committee Members: Alison Alene Carr Chellman, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorAlison Alene Carr Chellman, Committee Chair/Co-ChairHeather A Zimmerman, Committee MemberFred Michael Schied, Committee MemberEdgar Paul Yoder, Committee Member
2. Implementing Agricultural Literacy in Pennsylvania Elementary and Middle Schools: Perceptions of Principals Open Access Author: Plunkert, Madisen Title: Implementing Agricultural Literacy in Pennsylvania Elementary and Middle Schools: Perceptions of Principals Graduate Program: Education, Development, and Community Engagement Keywords: Agricultural LiteracyPrincipalsAgricultural EducationLiteracyDecision Making In SchoolsTheory of Reasoned ActionEducational ChangePerceptions File: Download Madisen_Plunkert_Thesis_eTD.pdf Committee Members: Kevin Wylie Curry, Jr., Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKai Arthur Schafft, Committee MemberMark Brennan, Professor in Charge/Director of Graduate Studies