1. Lessons from the 1:1 classroom: A mixed methods study of technology-related teacher workplace learning Open Access Author: Wagner, Darin Lee Title: Lessons from the 1:1 classroom: A mixed methods study of technology-related teacher workplace learning Graduate Program: Adult Education (DED) Keywords: Technology-related learningAdult learningPublic school teachersOne-to-one mobile technology classroomSocial cognitive theoryDiffusion of innovation theoryMixed methodsInformal learningWorkplace learningOne-to-one mobile technology File: Download DarinWagner_Tchr-Informal-Tech-Lrng.pdf Committee Members: Weston Kensinger, Outside Field MemberKarin Sprow Forte, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorHeather Toomey Zimmerman, Program Head/ChairRobin Wright, Major Field MemberRoy Clariana, General Studies & Outside Unit Member