1. Evaluation and Modeling of Pressure Filtration of Coal Refuse Slurry Open Access Author: Sankara Raman, Gireesh Subramaniam Title: Evaluation and Modeling of Pressure Filtration of Coal Refuse Slurry Graduate Program: Energy and Mineral Engineering Keywords: Coal Refuse SlurryPressure FiltrationArtificial Neural NetworkWaste ManagementDewateringCoalFine CoalMineral Processing File: Download Gireesh_Raman_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Dr. Mark S. Klima, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDr. Mark S. Klima, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDr. William A. Groves, Committee MemberDr. Jeremy M. Gernand, Committee MemberDr. Herschel A. Elliott, Outside Member