1. Thermal decomposition and combustion modeling of RDX monopropellant and RDX-TAGzT pseudo-propellant Open Access Author: Khichar, Mayank Title: Thermal decomposition and combustion modeling of RDX monopropellant and RDX-TAGzT pseudo-propellant Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Thermal decompositionCombustionmodelingRDXTAGzTQuantum chemical calculationTGADSCFTIRMechanismLiquid PhaseDiffusionDeflagration File: Download Dissertation_MayankKhichar_eTD.pdf Committee Members: Stefan Thynell, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorStefan Thynell, Committee Chair/Co-ChairRichard A Yetter, Committee MemberAdrianus C Van Duin, Committee MemberRobert Graham Melton, Outside MemberDaniel Connell Haworth, Program Head/Chair