1. The Colonial Contract and the Coloniality of Gender: A Decolonial Feminist Approach to Re-thinking the Self, Epistemology, and the Ethicopolitical Open Access Author: Velez, Emma Title: The Colonial Contract and the Coloniality of Gender: A Decolonial Feminist Approach to Re-thinking the Self, Epistemology, and the Ethicopolitical Graduate Program: Philosophy Keywords: Decolonial FeminismLatina FeminismDecolonial TheoryLatinx Gender StudiesColonial ContractFeminist PhilosophyMaria LugonesChela SandovalEmma Perez File: Download Velez_Dissertation_etd2.pdf Committee Members: Nancy A Tuana, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorEduardo Mendieta, Committee Chair/Co-ChairKathryn Sophia Belle, Committee MemberMariana J Ortega, Committee MemberMelissa Wright, Outside MemberAmy Rebekah Allen, Program Head/ChairNancy A Tuana, Committee Chair/Co-ChairEduardo Mendieta, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Languages of Resistance: Moving from Colonial Monologism to Complex Communication Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Carey, Sarah Title: Languages of Resistance: Moving from Colonial Monologism to Complex Communication Graduate Program: Philosophy Keywords: LugonesDerridaDecolonial TheoryDeconstructionDecolonial FeminismFeminist PhilosophyContinental Philosophy File: Login to Download Committee Members: Sarah Miller, Program Head/ChairNancy Tuana, Major Field MemberClaire Colebrook, Outside Unit & Field MemberSarah Miller, Major Field MemberLeonard Lawlor, Chair & Co-Dissertation AdvisrMariana Ortega, Dissertation Co-Advisor