1. DANI KARAVAN’S PASSAGES AND THE POETICS OF DELEUZE|GUATTARI FOR RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN ART EDUCATION Open Access Author: Dubin, Elizabeth Andrews Title: DANI KARAVAN’S PASSAGES AND THE POETICS OF DELEUZE|GUATTARI FOR RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN ART EDUCATION Graduate Program: Art Education Keywords: Gilles DeleuzeFelix GuattariWalter BenjaminDani KaravanPaulo FreireAntonio MachadoMiles HortonPoeticsPoetryArtArcades ProjectPassagesIcarusArt EducationRhizomeRhizomatic CartographySensationArts Based Research File: Download Dubin_DANI_KARAVAN_S_PASSAGES_Final_Copy.pdf Committee Members: Charles Richard Garoian, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorKimberly Anne Powell, Committee Chair/Co-ChairCharles Richard Garoian, Committee MemberChristopher M Schulte, Committee MemberWilliam J Doan, Outside Member