1. Measurement, Characterization, Identification and Control of Combustion Produced Soot Open Access Author: Singh, Madhu Title: Measurement, Characterization, Identification and Control of Combustion Produced Soot Graduate Program: Energy and Mineral Engineering Keywords: CarbonSootNanostructureMicroscopySpectroscopyTEMCarbon Black FunctionalizationLaser-induced IncandescenceLIISoot Source IdentificationSSILDLaser DerivatizationTime-resolved LIICarbon CharacterizationHealth effects of combustion sootCytotoxicityDiesel Particulate FilterDPFCell viabilityBEAS-2B male lung cellsXPSXRDTGASoot oxidationNO2 OxidationTiRe-LIICarbonizatongraphitization File: Download MadhuSingh_Dissertation_2019.pdf Committee Members: Randy Lee Vander Wal, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRandy Lee Vander Wal, Committee Chair/Co-ChairChunshan Song, Committee MemberRamakrishnan Rajagopalan, Committee MemberPatricia Silveyra, Outside Member
2. The Effects of Novel Drug Compounds on Glioblastoma As An Indicator For Therapeutic Intervention Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Ravida, Nigel Title: The Effects of Novel Drug Compounds on Glioblastoma As An Indicator For Therapeutic Intervention Graduate Program: Anatomy Keywords: GlioblastomaHypoxiaCytotoxicity File: Login to Download Committee Members: Patricia Mclaughlin, Program Head/ChairJames Robert Connor, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSeyed Alireza Mansouri, Committee Member