1. "A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Portrayals of Haiti and Haitians Following the 2010 Earthquakes on American 24-hour Cable News Networks" Open Access Author: Herring, Courtney Celiese Title: "A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Portrayals of Haiti and Haitians Following the 2010 Earthquakes on American 24-hour Cable News Networks" Graduate Program: Media Studies Keywords: EarthquakesNews ethicsDisaster communicationSemantic strategiesCritical Discourse AnalysisNatural disastersHaitiPovertyHegemony File: Download CHerring_thesis_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Anthony Olorunnisola, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAnthony Olorunnisola, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. The Spoken Self: An Ethnographic Exploration of Accent and Identity Open Access Author: Rehn, Stefanie Elizabeth Title: The Spoken Self: An Ethnographic Exploration of Accent and Identity Graduate Program: Applied Linguistics Keywords: second language instructionEnglish as a second languageCritical Discourse Analysisapplied linguistics File: Download upload_draft_3-10.pdf Committee Members: Karen E Johnson, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorKaren E Johnson, Committee Chair/Co-ChairPaula Golombek, Committee MemberCeleste S Kinginger, Committee MemberMeredith Christine Doran, Committee Member