1. CONSERVING NITROGEN FROM FALL DAIRY MANURE APPLICATIONS WHEN COUPLED WITH WINTER ANNUALS BEFORE CORN SILAGE Open Access Author: Milliron, Rachel Ann Title: CONSERVING NITROGEN FROM FALL DAIRY MANURE APPLICATIONS WHEN COUPLED WITH WINTER ANNUALS BEFORE CORN SILAGE Graduate Program: Agronomy Keywords: Fall manure applicationsWinter ryeCover cropRyelageInjected manureLate-fall manure application timingNutrient pollutionNitrogen conservationManure-N equivalencies File: Download Milliron-Thesis-FINAL0628.pdf Committee Members: Heather D Karsten, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Cover Crop Management Effects on Weed Communities in a Planting Green System Open Access Author: Ficks, Teala Title: Cover Crop Management Effects on Weed Communities in a Planting Green System Graduate Program: Agronomy Keywords: Cover cropno-tillresource partitioningseedling ecologyweed ecologycover cropno-tillresource partitioningseedling ecologyweed ecology File: Download Ficks_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Erin Connolly, Program Head/ChairJohn M Wallace, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorCarolyn Lowry, Committee MemberHeather D Karsten, Committee MemberAllyson Muth, Committee Member
3. Evaluating Agroecosystem Quality through Arthropod Interactions in Pennsylvanian Cash Crop Production Systems Open Access Author: Adam, Jared Title: Evaluating Agroecosystem Quality through Arthropod Interactions in Pennsylvanian Cash Crop Production Systems Graduate Program: Entomology Keywords: Cover cropno-tillQBS-arspiderspest controlconservation biological controlslugsagroecosystem File: Download _Jared_Adam__Thesis_in_Entomology_Final_deposit.pdf Committee Members: John Tooker, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSara Hermann, Committee MemberGary Felton, Program Head/ChairJohn M Wallace, Committee Member