1. Precise and Directed Assembly and Chemistry at the Atomic Scale Open Access Author: Nanayakkara, Sanjni Ushika Title: Precise and Directed Assembly and Chemistry at the Atomic Scale Graduate Program: Chemistry Keywords: scanning tunneling microscopysingle electron tunnelingsubstrate-mediated interactionsCoulomb blockadescanning tunneling spectroscopycatalysis File: Download SUN_Thesis_2006.pdf Committee Members: Paul S Weiss, Committee Chair/Co-ChairChristine Dolan Keating, Committee MemberHenry C Foley, Committee MemberRoy F Willis, Committee Member
2. Classical And Coulomb Blockade Iii-v Multi-gate Quantum Well Field Effect Transistors For Ultra Low Power Logic Applications Open Access Author: Liu, Lu Title: Classical And Coulomb Blockade Iii-v Multi-gate Quantum Well Field Effect Transistors For Ultra Low Power Logic Applications Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: multi-gatequantum well FETsingle electronCoulomb blockadenon-volatilelow power File: Download Dissertation_Lu_Dec22013.pdf Committee Members: Suman Datta, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorSuman Datta, Committee Chair/Co-ChairTheresa Stellwag Mayer, Committee MemberVijaykrishnan Narayanan, Committee MemberJerzy Ruzyllo, Committee MemberNitin Samarth, Committee Member