1. Experimental Evaluation of Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Actuators Open Access Author: Wimmer, Benjamin Michael Title: Experimental Evaluation of Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Actuators Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: FMCFlexible Matrix CompositesActuatorsCompositesActive Structures File: Download Ben_wimmer_thesis_final_draft.pdf Committee Members: Charles E Bakis, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDennis K Mc Laughlin, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Transverse Mechanical Properties of Unidirectionally Reinforced Hybrid Fiber Composites Open Access Author: Ripepi, Maximilian James Title: Transverse Mechanical Properties of Unidirectionally Reinforced Hybrid Fiber Composites Graduate Program: Engineering Mechanics Keywords: CompositesUnidirectionalTransverseModulusStrengthHybridCommingledCarbon FiberGlass FiberEpoxy File: Download Ripepi_MS_Thesis_0803_1213.pdf Committee Members: Charles E Bakis, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKevin L Koudela, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Quantifying the Uniaxial High Cycle Fatigue Life of Laminated Composites with a Resonant Beam Test Open Access Author: Kupchella, Chester Alan Title: Quantifying the Uniaxial High Cycle Fatigue Life of Laminated Composites with a Resonant Beam Test Graduate Program: Acoustics Keywords: FRPFatigueHigh FrequencyCompositesTemperature ControlledViscoelasticityFiber Reinforced PolymerFiberglassVibration File: Download ChesterKupchella-MSThesis-final.pdf Committee Members: Robert Lee Campbell, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorStephen A Hambric, Committee MemberKevin L Koudela, Committee Member
4. IMPROVEMENT OF MAGNETIC CARBON NANOTUBE DISPERSION BY SURFACE TREATMENT WITH DIAZONIUM SALT FOR AEROSPACE POLYMER NANOCOMPOSITES Open Access Author: Trivedi, Shreya Shailesh Title: IMPROVEMENT OF MAGNETIC CARBON NANOTUBE DISPERSION BY SURFACE TREATMENT WITH DIAZONIUM SALT FOR AEROSPACE POLYMER NANOCOMPOSITES Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: AerospaceMaterialsCompositesCarbon nanotubesPolymer nanocompositesMagnetic AssemblyCovalent functionalizationDiazonium salt File: Download ShreyaTrivedi_MSThesis_Spring2018.pdf Committee Members: Namiko Yamamoto, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
5. Preliminary Design of a Hot Hydrogen Test Loop for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion applications Open Access Author: Searight, Will Title: Preliminary Design of a Hot Hydrogen Test Loop for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion applications Graduate Program: Nuclear Engineering Keywords: Nuclear Thermal PropulsionThermal AnalysisPlasma Material InteractionSpace PropulsionHydrogenCompositesCeramicsHigh Temperature Materials File: Download Searight_MS_Thesis_SU20.pdf Committee Members: Leigh Winfrey, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJean Paul Allain, Program Head/ChairElia Merzari, Committee MemberJean Paul Allain, Committee Member
6. COMSOL simulation of CNT assembly in an epoxy matrix under static magnetic fields for polymer nanocomposite applications Open Access Author: Oyama, Kohei Title: COMSOL simulation of CNT assembly in an epoxy matrix under static magnetic fields for polymer nanocomposite applications Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Carbon nanotubeCompositesEpoxyFEMCOMSOLMATLABMagnetic fieldNickel File: Download KoheiOyama_msthesis_sp22.pdf Committee Members: Namiko Yamamoto, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorXin Ning, Committee MemberAmy Pritchett, Program Head/ChairCharles E Bakis, Committee Member
7. Predicting and Validating Composite Mechanical Behavior Resulting from Voxel-based Microstructural Design and Macroscopic Interfacial Analysis Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Nalubwama Kaweesa, Dorcas Vivian Title: Predicting and Validating Composite Mechanical Behavior Resulting from Voxel-based Microstructural Design and Macroscopic Interfacial Analysis Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Multi-material Additive ManufacturingPolyJet processMaterial designCompositesComposite laminatesFunctionally Graded MaterialsVoxel-based designvoxelsMechanical properties File: Login to Download Committee Members: Nicholas Meisel, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorTimothy Simpson, Major Field MemberAllison Beese, Major Field MemberMichael Hickner, Outside Unit & Field MemberDaniel Haworth, Professor in Charge/Director of Graduate Studies