1. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERSONALITY TYPE AND LEARNING STYLE: A STUDY OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY STUDENTS Open Access Author: Threeton, Mark D Title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERSONALITY TYPE AND LEARNING STYLE: A STUDY OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY STUDENTS Graduate Program: Workforce Education and Development Keywords: Personality and Learning StylePersonality TypeCognitive StyleLearning StyleCareer and Technical Education File: Download MTDissertation.pdf Committee Members: Richard Allen Walter, Committee Chair/Co-ChairKenneth C. Gray, Committee MemberCynthia Pellock, Committee MemberEdgar Paul Yoder, Committee Member
2. Individual Differences and the Effect of Information Format on Decision Making Open Access Author: Sprehn, Kelly Austin Title: Individual Differences and the Effect of Information Format on Decision Making Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: Individual DifferencesDecision MakingCognitive StyleInformation FormatHome EnergyEnergy Decisions File: Download Sprehn_Dissertation_4_18_14_ALL.pdf Committee Members: Gul Kremer, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDr David Riley, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid Arthur Nembhard, Committee MemberScarlett Rae Miller, Committee MemberFrank Edward Ritter, Special Member
3. Investigation of the Impacts of Cognitive Style and Teamwork on Ideation Effectiveness Open Access Author: Helm, Kevin C Title: Investigation of the Impacts of Cognitive Style and Teamwork on Ideation Effectiveness Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Engineering DesignIdeationCognitive StyleBrainstormingTeamworkConcept GenerationCreativityIdea Assessment File: Download KevinHelmThesisFinal.pdf Committee Members: Dr. Kathryn Jablokow, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDr. Matthew Parkinson, Committee MemberDr. Karen Thole, Committee Member