1. Efficient CFD Approaches for Coaxial Rotor Simulations Open Access Author: Cornelius, Jason Title: Efficient CFD Approaches for Coaxial Rotor Simulations Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: CFDComputational Fluid DynamicsMulticopterMulticoptersCoaxial RotorCoaxial RotorsCFD SimulationRotorcraftHelicopterSTAR-CCM+RotCFDMixing-PlaneBlade-ElementTime-AccurateBlade-ResolvedBlade-ModeledQuadcopter File: Download Jason_Cornelius_MS_Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Sven Schmitz, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMichael Kinzel, Committee MemberAmy Ruth Pritchett, Committee Member
2. Performance and Acoustics of Coaxial Counter-Rotating Rotors in Hover and Forward Flight Conditions Open Access Author: Mcthane, Eric Title: Performance and Acoustics of Coaxial Counter-Rotating Rotors in Hover and Forward Flight Conditions Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Rotor AcousticseVTOLRotorcraftCoaxial RotorsPhase ControlRotor PerformanceHoverForward FlightUAMSeparation DistanceCounter-Rotating File: Download MastersThesis_EricMcthane-12.pdf Committee Members: Eric Greenwood, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMark A Miller, Committee MemberAmy Pritchett, Program Head/ChairJose Palacios, Committee Member