1. Caregiver Mental Health and Child Functioning During Early Childhood: The Moderating Roles of Caregiver-Child Relational and Engagement Factors Open Access Author: Chimed-Ochir, Ulziimaa Title: Caregiver Mental Health and Child Functioning During Early Childhood: The Moderating Roles of Caregiver-Child Relational and Engagement Factors Graduate Program: Human Development and Family Studies Keywords: Maternal Depressive SymptomsInfant-mother attachment securityInfant behavioral problemsCaregiver trauma symptomsAttachment Regulation and Competency TreatmentChild trauma symptoms File: Download UCHIMED-OCHIR_Dissertation_Final_10292024.pdf Committee Members: Douglas Teti, Program Head/ChairDouglas Teti, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorSteffany Fredman, Major Field MemberRina Eiden, Outside Unit & Field MemberChristian Connell, Major Field Member