1. Functional Characterization of Rice MPK6 and Maize ufo1 Genes During Gametophyte and Seed Development Open Access Author: Chatterjee, Debamalya Title: Functional Characterization of Rice MPK6 and Maize ufo1 Genes During Gametophyte and Seed Development Graduate Program: Agronomy Keywords: MaizeRiceGametophyteSeed developmentCarbohydrateGene regulationEndosperm developmentBasal endosperm transfer layerKinaseOryza sativa L.Zea mays L. File: Download Thesis_Chatterjee_Debamalya_Final.pdf Committee Members: Majid Foolad, Major Field MemberMarvin Hall, Major Field MemberCharles Anderson, Outside Unit & Field MemberErin Connolly, Program Head/ChairSurinder Chopra, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorYinong Yang, Dissertation Co-Advisor