1. EXPLORING THE AFRICAN SONGO GAME AND HOW GAMEPLAY ENHANCES MULTIPLE LITERACIES AMONG ADULT PLAYERS IN CAMEROON AND THE UNITED STATES Open Access Author: Bayeck, Rebecca Y Title: EXPLORING THE AFRICAN SONGO GAME AND HOW GAMEPLAY ENHANCES MULTIPLE LITERACIES AMONG ADULT PLAYERS IN CAMEROON AND THE UNITED STATES Graduate Program: Learning, Design, and Technology Keywords: Songo Board GameliteraciesCameroon and the United StatesAfrican Board Game File: Download DISSERTATION.pdf Committee Members: Gabriela T Richard, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorGabriela T Richard, Committee Chair/Co-ChairNicole Sheree Webster, Committee MemberTyler S Hollett, Committee MemberSinfree Bullock Makoni, Outside Member