1. Effective Csr Strategies: Lessons Learned from Selected Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Winners Open Access Author: Wilt, Jessica Leigh Title: Effective Csr Strategies: Lessons Learned from Selected Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Winners Graduate Program: Community and Economic Development Keywords: CSREcological ModernizationQuality ManagementBPEPMBNQAsustainabilitysustainable development File: Download Wilt_Thesis_Final_2.pdf Committee Members: Leland Luther Glenna, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Influences on consumer satisfaction in green hotels: perceptions of warmth, competence, and csr motive Open Access Author: Gao, Yixing Title: Influences on consumer satisfaction in green hotels: perceptions of warmth, competence, and csr motive Graduate Program: Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Management Keywords: Green HotelCSRConsumer SatisfactionPerceived WarmthPerceived CompetenceMotive File: Download yzg104_0331.pdf Committee Members: Anna S Mattila, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Doing Good, Doing Bad, and Doing Well: Investigating the Dynamic Effectiveness of Sustainability Strategy Open Access Author: Kang, Charles A Title: Doing Good, Doing Bad, and Doing Well: Investigating the Dynamic Effectiveness of Sustainability Strategy Graduate Program: Business Administration Keywords: sustainabilityCSRmarketingCSOportfolio managementstructural panel VAR File: Download 2-Kang_Charles_Doctoral_Dissertation_July_2014.pdf Committee Members: Rajdeep Grewal, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRajdeep Grewal, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDuncan Fong, Committee MemberShrihari Sridhar, Committee MemberSaurabh Bansal, Committee Member