1. DESIGN OF A MULTI-SITE, MULTI-REGION MICRODRIVE NEURAL RECORDING SYSTEM Open Access Author: Billard, Myles William Title: DESIGN OF A MULTI-SITE, MULTI-REGION MICRODRIVE NEURAL RECORDING SYSTEM Graduate Program: Engineering Science and Mechanics Keywords: NeurophysiologyMicrodriveSleepWakeCircuitsSystemsElectrophysiologyNeural RecordingsBrainstem File: Download BillardMyles_MS_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Bruce Gluckman, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKevin Douglas Alloway, Committee MemberMark William Horn, Committee Member
2. Diet-Induced Modulation of Brainstem Perineuronal Net Development Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Morehouse, Jessica Title: Diet-Induced Modulation of Brainstem Perineuronal Net Development Graduate Program: Anatomy Keywords: Perinatal high fat diet (PNHFD)Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV)ObesityBrainstemNeuroplasticity File: Login to Download Committee Members: Patricia Mclaughlin, Program Head/ChairKirsteen Browning, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAnirban Paul, Committee Member