1. Learning and Constructing Meaning: Adults Volunteering in the Boy Scouts Open Access Author: Pearlman, David P Title: Learning and Constructing Meaning: Adults Volunteering in the Boy Scouts Graduate Program: Adult Education Keywords: LearningVolunteeringBoy Scouts File: Download David_Pearlman.pdf Committee Members: Fred Michael Schied, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGary Kuhne, Committee MemberMelody M Thompson, Committee MemberRobert Lewis, Committee Member
2. Old Dogs and New Puppies: The Disruptive Effects of Equity-Oriented Policy Change on Learning Community Participation Open Access Author: Mcginnis, G. Eric Title: Old Dogs and New Puppies: The Disruptive Effects of Equity-Oriented Policy Change on Learning Community Participation Graduate Program: Educational Theory and Policy Keywords: adult educationnonformal educationeducation policypolicy implementationBoy ScoutsScoutingeducation leadershipnonprofit leadershiporganizational theorycommunities of practicelandscapes of practicecritical sensemakingvolunteer management File: Download McGinnis_Dissertation_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Dana Mitra, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDana Mitra, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDavid Alexander Gamson, Committee MemberGerald K Letendre, Committee MemberMark A Brennan, Jr., Outside MemberKevin Kinser, Program Head/Chair