1. BOKO HARAM – A GEOSPATIAL ANALYSIS OF A TERRORIST GROUP USING SPATIAL DATA SCIENCE AND GEOSPATIAL INTELLIGENCE Open Access Author: Frost, Joshua Title: BOKO HARAM – A GEOSPATIAL ANALYSIS OF A TERRORIST GROUP USING SPATIAL DATA SCIENCE AND GEOSPATIAL INTELLIGENCE Graduate Program: Spatial Data Science Keywords: Boko HaramGeospatial IntelligenceSpatial Data ScienceTerrorismGeospatialGISG functionAfricaWestCentralNigeriaNigerCameroonChadLake ChadDistance-based functionsDescriptive spatial statisticsterroristGlobal Terrorism DatabaseSTARTRStudioGeoDaArcGISproximityIslamic State of West AfricaISWAal-QaedaTalibanISIS File: Download Frost_Joshua_Thesis2023.pdf Committee Members: Daniel Steiner, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorFritz Connor Kessler, Committee MemberAnthony Robinson, Program Head/Chair