1. FUNGAL VOLATILE COMPOUNDS: SMALL MOLECULES WITH BIG ROLES IN PLANT-FUNGAL AND FUNGAL-FUNGAL INTERACTIONS Open Access Author: Li, Ningxiao Title: FUNGAL VOLATILE COMPOUNDS: SMALL MOLECULES WITH BIG ROLES IN PLANT-FUNGAL AND FUNGAL-FUNGAL INTERACTIONS Graduate Program: Plant Biology Keywords: Fungal volatile compoundsChemical ecologyauxinsalt toleranceplant defenseBiocontrol File: Download Final_Dissertation_Ningxiao_Li.pdf Committee Members: Seogchan Kang, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorSeogchan Kang, Committee Chair/Co-ChairKathleen M. Brown, Committee MemberYinong Yang, Committee MemberJames H. Tumlinson, Outside Member
2. ROLES OF SECRETED METABOLITE-MEDIATED INTERACTIONS AMONG TRICHODERMA AND RHIZOSPHERE MICROBIOMES IN BIO-CONTROL Open Access Author: Islam, Md Tariqul Title: ROLES OF SECRETED METABOLITE-MEDIATED INTERACTIONS AMONG TRICHODERMA AND RHIZOSPHERE MICROBIOMES IN BIO-CONTROL Graduate Program: Plant Pathology Keywords: Biocontrolsecreted moleculesrhizospheretomatoTrichodermavolatile compounds File: Download Thesis_07-09-18.pdf Committee Members: Seogchan Kang, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorTim McNellis, Committee MemberCristina Rosa, Committee MemberJohn E. Carlson, Committee Member