1. NARRATIVES OF SELF IN OLDER BILINGUAL ADULTS DIAGNOSED WITH ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Open Access Author: López de Victoria Rodríguez, Patria Celeste Title: NARRATIVES OF SELF IN OLDER BILINGUAL ADULTS DIAGNOSED WITH ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Graduate Program: Applied Linguistics Keywords: narrative analysisnarrative inquiryAlzheimer's diseaseSelfhoodIdentityDementia of the Alzheimer's TypeBilingualsRepeated tellingsreported speechSpeaker Roles File: Download LopezdeVictoria_Dissertation_Final.pdf Committee Members: Robert William Schrauf, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRobert William Schrauf, Committee Chair/Co-ChairCeleste S Kinginger, Committee MemberSinfree Bullock Makoni, Committee MemberMeredith Christine Doran, Outside Member