1. ADAPTIVE INFORMATION EXTRACTION FROM COMPLEX SYSTEMS VIA SYMBOLIC TIME SERIES ANALYSIS Open Access Author: Li, Yue Title: ADAPTIVE INFORMATION EXTRACTION FROM COMPLEX SYSTEMS VIA SYMBOLIC TIME SERIES ANALYSIS Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Symbolic time series analysisHidden Markov modelingPattern recognitionFinite-state AutomatonInformation FusionSensor NetworksBattery SOC estimationBattery SOH estimationRecursive Bayes FilterImage processing File: Download YueLi-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Asok Ray, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorAsok Ray, Committee Chair/Co-ChairChristopher Rahn, Committee MemberHosam Kadry Fathy, Committee MemberShashi Phoha, Outside MemberMinghui Zhu, Outside MemberThomas Wettergren, Committee Member
2. BATTERY STATE ESTIMATION AND ANOMALY DETECTION USING MACHINE LEARNING Open Access Author: Garg, Mayank Title: BATTERY STATE ESTIMATION AND ANOMALY DETECTION USING MACHINE LEARNING Graduate Program: Computer Science and Engineering Keywords: Battery SOC estimationBattery anomaly detectionMachine learningSupervised LearningUnsupervised Learning File: Download Mayank_Garg_MS_Thesis_CSE.pdf Committee Members: Daniel Kifer, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorVasant Gajanan Honavar, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor