1. The Folk Imaginary in American Literature, 1875 - 1925 Open Access Author: Woolfitt, William Kelley Title: The Folk Imaginary in American Literature, 1875 - 1925 Graduate Program: English Keywords: Native AmericanAfrican AmericanAppalachian File: Download The_Folk_Imaginary_in_American_Literature_1875_-_1925_--_Woolfitt.pdf Committee Members: Linda Furgerson Selzer, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJohn Edmond Marsh, Committee Chair/Co-ChairShirley Moody, Committee MemberDaniel L Letwin, Special Member
2. Sequence Stratigraphy and Depostional Environments of the Burkett Mbr., Harrell Fm. and Associated Strata in the Northern Appalachian Basin Open Access Author: Swanson, Courtney E Title: Sequence Stratigraphy and Depostional Environments of the Burkett Mbr., Harrell Fm. and Associated Strata in the Northern Appalachian Basin Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: BurkettstratigraphysequenceTullyAppalachianblack shaleshale File: Download Swanson_Thesis_Final_rev.pdf Committee Members: Rudy Slingerland, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Crustal structure of the mid-atlantic U.s. from P-wave receiver functions Open Access Author: Arroyo, Gabriella B Title: Crustal structure of the mid-atlantic U.s. from P-wave receiver functions Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: crustal structurereceiver functionsPennsylvaniaOhioAppalachianScrantonScranton HighGrenville FrontAllegheny FrontMid-Continent riftVp/VsHk stackingPASEISUsArrayUS Transportablemid-atlantic File: Download Arroyo_Masters_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Andrew Arnold Nyblade, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. A Site Characterization Study for CO2 Injection Into the Oriskany Formation Open Access Author: Carr, William Title: A Site Characterization Study for CO2 Injection Into the Oriskany Formation Graduate Program: Energy and Mineral Engineering Keywords: Oriskany SandstoneCO2 SequestrationReservoir ModelingAppalachian File: Download William_J_Carr_III_-_Final_Thesis_December_2023.pdf Committee Members: Jeremy Gernand, Program Head/ChairSanjay Srinivasan, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorGregory R King, Committee MemberEugene C Morgan, Committee Member