1. Responding to growers' needs: Evaluation of management strategies for onion center rot, caused by Pantoea ananatis and Pantoea agglomerans Open Access Author: Mazzone, Jennie Diehl Title: Responding to growers' needs: Evaluation of management strategies for onion center rot, caused by Pantoea ananatis and Pantoea agglomerans Graduate Program: Plant Pathology Keywords: onionPantoea ananatisPantoea agglomeranscenter rotcultivarnitrogentransplantbactericidemanagementintegrated pest managementAllium cepabacteriadiseaseHondurashorticultural production guideRhizoctonia solanitomatotomato foliar blightPennsylvania File: Download Thesis-_MAZZONE_J.D..pdf Committee Members: Dr. Beth K. Gugino, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDr. María del Mar Jiménez Gasco, Committee MemberDr. Kari A. Peter, Committee MemberDr. William Lamont, Jr., Committee Member