1. KNOWLEDGE AND PERCEPTIONS OF HIGH SCHOOL AGRICULTURE STUDENTS IN INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURE CONCEPTS Open Access Author: Sanborn, Melanie Anne Title: KNOWLEDGE AND PERCEPTIONS OF HIGH SCHOOL AGRICULTURE STUDENTS IN INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURE CONCEPTS Graduate Program: Agricultural and Extension Education Keywords: Agricultural EducationInternationalizationInternationalizing Agricultural EducationGlobal Education File: Download Thesis_Spring_08_5_.pdf Committee Members: Thomas Henry Bruening, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. A COMPARISON OF YOUTH PERCEPTIONS REGARDING ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN PENNSYLVANIA AND NICARAGUA Open Access Author: Cahill, Michael Scott Title: A COMPARISON OF YOUTH PERCEPTIONS REGARDING ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN PENNSYLVANIA AND NICARAGUA Graduate Program: Agricultural and Extension Education Keywords: AgricultureEducationAgricultural EducationStudentPennsylvaniaNicaraguaInternationalBanduraAzjenEntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurialSelf-EfficacyFFASAESupervised Agricultural ExperienceNGOPerceptions File: Download A_COMPARISON_OF_YOUTH_PERCEPTIONS_REGARDING_ENTREPRENEURSHIP_IN_PENNSYLVANIA_AND_NICARAGUA.pdf Committee Members: Daniel Douglas Foster, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJohn Ewing, Committee MemberCarl Daniel Azzara, Committee Member
3. A Profile of Credentialing Programs Offered in Pennsylvania Secondary School-based Agriscience Programs Open Access Author: Seaman, Jonathan Title: A Profile of Credentialing Programs Offered in Pennsylvania Secondary School-based Agriscience Programs Graduate Program: Agricultural and Extension Education Keywords: Agricultural EducationIndustry CertificationGlobal ChallengeSecondary School-based Agriscience Education Program File: Download J_Seaman_Masters_Thesis_Final_with_Format_Edits.pdf Committee Members: Dr. John Ewing, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDr. Daniel Foster, Committee MemberDr. Mark Threeton, Committee Member
4. THE INFLUENCE OF SECONDARY AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION STUDENT SUPERVISED AGRICULTURAL EXPERIENCE PARTICIPATION ON CAREER DECISION SELF-EFFICACY Open Access Author: Romberger, Darla Joanne Title: THE INFLUENCE OF SECONDARY AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION STUDENT SUPERVISED AGRICULTURAL EXPERIENCE PARTICIPATION ON CAREER DECISION SELF-EFFICACY Graduate Program: Agricultural and Extension Education Keywords: Supervised Agricultural ExperienceSelf-EfficacyCareer Decision Self-EfficacyAgricultural EducationSchool-Based Agricultural EducationWork-Based Learning File: Download Romberger_Thesis_2018.pdf Committee Members: Daniel Douglas Foster, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJohn Ewing, Committee MemberMark D Threeton, Committee Member
5. Implementing Agricultural Literacy in Pennsylvania Elementary and Middle Schools: Perceptions of Principals Open Access Author: Plunkert, Madisen Title: Implementing Agricultural Literacy in Pennsylvania Elementary and Middle Schools: Perceptions of Principals Graduate Program: Education, Development, and Community Engagement Keywords: Agricultural LiteracyPrincipalsAgricultural EducationLiteracyDecision Making In SchoolsTheory of Reasoned ActionEducational ChangePerceptions File: Download Madisen_Plunkert_Thesis_eTD.pdf Committee Members: Kevin Wylie Curry, Jr., Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKai Arthur Schafft, Committee MemberMark Brennan, Professor in Charge/Director of Graduate Studies