1. Design Morphology in Public Housing the Intersection of Design and Poicy Open Access Author: O'brien, Kaitlin Marie Title: Design Morphology in Public Housing the Intersection of Design and Poicy Graduate Program: Architecture Keywords: Public HousingAffordable HousingUrban DesignHousing Policy File: Download KaitlinOBrien_Final_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Lisa Domenica Iulo, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. DESIGN FEATURES IN COMMUNAL SPACES: IMPACT ON QUALITY AND SATISFACTION IN SOCIAL HOUSING PROJECTS Open Access Author: Rodriguez Ramirez, Angelica Rocio Title: DESIGN FEATURES IN COMMUNAL SPACES: IMPACT ON QUALITY AND SATISFACTION IN SOCIAL HOUSING PROJECTS Graduate Program: Architecture Keywords: Social HousingAffordable HousingPatternsEvaluationCommunal SpacesColombiaFree housingJan GehlChristopher Alexander File: Download COMMUNAL_SPACES_QUALITY_AND_SATISFACTION_IN_SOCIAL_HOUSING_BY_ANGELICA_RODRIGUEZ.pdf Committee Members: José Pinto Duarte, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAlexandra Staub, Committee MemberMallika Bose, Committee Member
3. The Changing Landscape of Affordable Housing in the United States Open Access Author: Brooks, Matthew Title: The Changing Landscape of Affordable Housing in the United States Graduate Program: Rural Sociology Keywords: Affordable HousingRuralUrbanUnited StatesPopulation GrowthPopulation AgingNatural AmenitiesRacePolicyIncome MeasurementSpatial Econometrics File: Download Brooks_Dissertation_vFinal.pdf Committee Members: Brian Clemens Thiede, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorBrian Clemens Thiede, Committee Chair/Co-ChairLeif Jensen, Committee MemberLaszlo Kulcsar, Committee MemberJohn David Iceland, Outside MemberLaszlo Kulcsar, Program Head/Chair