1. CAREGIVER STRESS, BURDEN, AND ASSOCIATED DIFFICULTIES AS A RESULT OF LEWY BODY DEMENTIA Open Access Author: Leggett, Amanda Noel Title: CAREGIVER STRESS, BURDEN, AND ASSOCIATED DIFFICULTIES AS A RESULT OF LEWY BODY DEMENTIA Graduate Program: Human Development and Family Studies Keywords: Activities of Daily LivingMedical CareBehavioral and Emotional ProblemsBurdenCaregivingLewy Body DementiaZarit Burden Interview File: Download Masters_Thesis_Amanda_Noel_Leggett_Final.pdf Committee Members: Steven Howard Zarit, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSteven Howard Zarit, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Three Studies of the Disablement Process in the Oldest-old: Predicting Disability Level, Onset, and Differential Patterns of Change Over Time Open Access Author: Braungart, Elizabeth Ruth Title: Three Studies of the Disablement Process in the Oldest-old: Predicting Disability Level, Onset, and Differential Patterns of Change Over Time Graduate Program: Human Development and Family Studies Keywords: DisabilityDisablement ProcessOldest-oldActivities of Daily Living File: Download THESIS.pdf Committee Members: Steven Howard Zarit, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDr Scott Hofer, Committee MemberMichael J Rovine, Committee MemberDavid Nathan Proctor, Committee Member