1. The Effects of Explicit Instruction in Letter-sound Correspondences with Children with Complex Communication Needs in Pairs with Peers Open Access Author: Yorke, April M Title: The Effects of Explicit Instruction in Letter-sound Correspondences with Children with Complex Communication Needs in Pairs with Peers Graduate Program: Communication Sciences and Disorders Keywords: complex communication needsaugmentative and alternative communicationautism spectrum disorderreadingALL curriculumexplicit instructionletter-sound correspondencesliteracyintellectual disabilitydevelopmental delaycortical visual impairment File: Download Dissertation_4-11-17b_Final_grad_school_edits___Yahoo_.pdf Committee Members: Janice C. Light, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJanice C. Light, Committee Chair/Co-ChairKathryn D.R. Drager, Committee MemberCarol A. Miller, Committee MemberDavid B. McNaughton, Outside Member