Search Results
13702. Bioinspired Molecular Composites of 2D-Layered Materials and Tandem Repeat Proteins

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13704. Structuring Light in Space and Time with Optical Metasurfaces

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13705. An Examination of Cybersecurity Assessment Frameworks from a U.S. County Perspective

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13706. Word usage, liking, and perception of food texture in naive consumers

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13707. Infrastructure Preparation for Connected and Automated Vehicle Deployment

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13708. Three Essays on Education Policy, Politics, and Non-academic Outcomes

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13709. Statistical Methods Development for Analyzing Biomarkers, Treatments and Survival Endpoints

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13710. Towards reverse engineering the neuromechanical actuation and control of biological flapping flight

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13712. From Gaze to Insight: Leveraging Eye Trackingfor Structural Inspection

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13713. Electrochemical Pump for Hydrogen Purification: Investigating Kinetic and Transport Properties in the Electrode layer

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13714. Dimensionality Reduction and Physics-Based Modeling to Quantify Relationships between Masonry Buildings and Tornadoes

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13717. Analysis of Extremist and Terrorist Groups on Twitter

Open Access
13719. Exploration of New Magnetic Quantum Materials

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13720. Below the Surface: Exploring Gender Dynamics in Marine Protected Area Management in the Mesoamerican Reef Region

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13721. Active Vibration Control Using Electric Rotor Torques In eVTOL Aircraft

Open Access
13722. Recurrence Analysis of Stochastic Data Under Uncertainty

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13723. On exploring strategies to prevent spring freeze damage and elucidating the mechanisms of cold acclimation in Vitis

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13724. Fluctuations in Bulk and Thin Film Glasses

Open Access
13725. Does Conversationality and Verifiability Affect Trust in Content Generated by ChatGPT?

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13726. Investigation of the Catalytic Co-Pyrolysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate and Polyolefins with Zeolite Catalysts

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13728. Becoming Mother: An Ethnography Examining Mothers of Biracial/Multiracial Children in New York City

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13729. Unsteady Lift Measurement and Reconstruction Methodologies

Open Access
13730. Multiparametric Brain Hemodynamics and Molecular Imaging Using Novel Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Strategies

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13731. Detection of Scuffing Faults Using the Squared Envelope Spectrum

Open Access
13732. Amnesty's Origins: Peace, Federal Power, and the Public Good in the Long Civil War Era

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13734. Transport Studies of the Topological States in Bernal-stacked Bilayer Graphene

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13738. Agent-based Modeling of Biological Active Matter

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13739. Essays in Estimation of Discrete Choice Demand Models

Open Access
13740. Development of Structural Capacity Relations for 3D Printed Lightweight Concrete with Mixtures Including Expanded Polystyrene

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13741. The Moralization-Polarization Nexus: Unraveling the Dynamic Relationship Between Elite Politics and Public Opinion

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13742. Beyond Accommodation: Access Problems and Responsibilities

Open Access
13743. Differentiation of Continental Crust: insights from the Variscan Orogeny and the Global Array of Terrigenous Sediments

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13744. Identification of Structural Variation in Pediatric B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and its Role in Health Disparity

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13745. Data-Driven Scene Reconstruction, Understanding and Generation

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13746. Cross-language transfer in voice onset time: A window into perceptual adaptation in brain and behavior

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13748. Prospective Teachers’ Reasoning While Pair Programming Geometric Patterns

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13749. The Economic Benefits of Forested Riparian Buffers: An Empirical Evaluation

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13750. The Romantic Bower

Open Access
13751. Towards Co-creation: Exploring Modalities of Vision-augmented Robotic Fabrication for Automation and Beyond

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13752. Minimax Optimal Spectral Regularized Kernel Hypothesis Tests

Open Access
13754. Essays on Non-Linear Pricing

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13755. Queering Video Gameplay as a Critical and Affective Praxis in Art Education

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13756. Deciphering the Interplay between Structure, Mechanics, and Growth Dynamics of Primary Cell Walls

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13757. Design, Synthesis, and Modification of Inorganic Nanoparticles

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13759. Local adaptation of crop landraces

Open Access
13761. Three Essays on Flood Risk and FEMA’s Community Rating System

Open Access
13762. Geospatial Sensemaking in Protected Areas to Understand Wildlife Poaching Patterns

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13767. Facilitating Access and Advancing Analytical Methodology for Confidential Data via Differentially Private Quantile Regression

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13768. Reading Literatism and (Il)Literacies across The Sudanese and Lebanese Civil Conflicts

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13769. The Phenomenology of Migration: Humanizing Makwerekwere in Southern African Migration Literature and Visual Art

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13770. Essays on Empirical Market Design

Open Access
13771. Essays on the Role of Audit Partners in the Capital Markets

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13772. Neurocognitive Decline in Metabolic Syndrome: Cerebrovascular Mechanisms and the Therapeutic Potential of Beetroot Juice

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13773. Numerical Studies in Lattice QCD

Open Access
13774. The Lonely Leader: How Organizational Power Distance and Need to Belong Shape Leader Loneliness

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13775. Construction of Carbo- and Heterocycles Through Alkene Difunctionalization

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13776. Multiscale Methods Development for Nuclear Fuel Rod Bundle Analysis: Integrating High-fidelity Simulations with Domain Knowledge

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13777. Cellulose Biosynthesis from a Product and Machinery Perspective

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13778. Examining Executive and Associative Contributions to Bilingual Creativity: A Neurocognitive Networks Approach

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13782. Design and control of smart structural systems under multiple hazards

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13783. Incorporating Robotic Constructability in Computational Design Optimization

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13787. Exploring Chinese American Immigrant Children's Musical Cultures and Musical Identities: A Multiple Case Study

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13788. Bereaved Adults’ Experiences Through the American Counseling Process Following the Death of a Loved One: A Phenomenological Study

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13790. Suicide Gatekeeper Trainings: A Content Analysis

Open Access
13791. Maternal anger in the perinatal period

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13792. Look Out! Examining Children's Immediate Neural Responses to Threat Stimuli

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13796. Embodied Knowledges: Visceral and Parietal Poetics in Contemporary Arabic and Persian Literature of the Gulf

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13798. What You See Might Be What You Get: Vicarious Reinforcement of Children's Engagement in Aggression

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